Making it to the top
I think I almost died when I first walked this trail. Man I was so out of breath, I didn't think I would ever have the strength to make it to the top. At least 3 days a week I come to the Runyon Canon with my hubby to dedicate a hour of my day to this lovely trail. Some days I tell myself I’m never coming back 🏽♀️ and some days I wake up determined to get it in 🏽 Here we are now 4 months later and I’m able to hike the entire 6 miles comfortably. I even run sometimes 🏽 Nope, I wouldn’t say it’s an easier task now, but I would say that my mind has showed me that I could and have accomplished this task before so I shouldn’t let the fear of giving up, looking weak, or failing discourage me to make it to the top. 🏽
Failure is a mind thing. Once you accomplish one goal, you’ll create another one then another one and so on. Our issue (millennials) is that we are microwave babies. We want everything now, fast, ahora mismo, and stuff just doesn’t work like that. I started this hike journey afraid, frustrated, and discouraged. I hated people to see me struggling and I was salty that I couldn’t keep up with everyone else. It took me a while (like over a month) to make it to the top without dying, but I pushed myself and I completed my goal. Now I’m starting to apply that same mindset to everything in my life.
You can’t want to be successful but you’re afraid to fail, afraid to get laughed at, you’re prideful, you don’t have inner peace, you’re impatient, you want to look like you’re winning when in all reality you’re struggling. We need more patience & humility. Put God at the center of your life and watch how things will change. Let’s get it!