Not So Summer Ready
Daaaaammmmnnnnn Gina! I looked up and it was May! Summer 2k19 gone be my year! I swear I start a new diet every Monday 😩
My work out schedule has been trash and I simply haven’t been dedicated to much of anything but clearly living life. Houston food got your girl looking very fluffy, and my bank account statement is looking like I should weigh a solid 230.
So before our move to LA I decided to go through our bank statements to see how much we spent on food during our 3 month stay in Houston. Let’s just say the total price was very embarrassing and irresponsible. Now I know you only live once blah blah blah, but you have to live it smart. I could have saved a lot of money and felt so much better if I was being good to my body.
Now I know this section is called “The Fitness Struggle” but I don’t want to struggle much longer. So let me try this again. Diet starting on Monday 😩 Pray for me 🙏🏽 L.A has 700 Vegan restaurants so I’m hoping that I can get back on track with that. I just want to focus on my health most importantly and then my bank account 😂 I’m about to be Fine, Healthy, and Paid the 2nd half of summer. Okkkuuurrrr. I’m shooting to loose 15 Ibs. I gained 11 in Houston so I figured I could give myself a little more space if I ever want to get ignant again. Please continue to keep us in your prayers on this journey.