R.I.P 2017

We are all gathered here today to acknowledge and omit the memories of everything that had us fucked up in 2017.

This list includes but is not limited to Self-doubt, Fear, Anxiety, Your baby daddy, Negativity, Frenemies, Walmart lines, Side Chicks, Chipotle Scoopers, Exams, The haters, The snitching co-workers, My bank account, Depression, Beyoncé haters, and everything that left us feeling insecure and unsettled. Although we have grown and learned many lessons from you all, y'all gotta shake!

Am I to early for the new year, new me speech? 😂 Bruh, throw the whole 2017 away. I'm def blessed to be alive and all that, but I can't deny that this year was tough for me. I lost loved ones, friends, chicken (pray for me), and a lot of things had me so F'd up. I've learned SOOO much about myself and other people. So I'm having a funeral! You know how it is when somebody dies, but it doesn't really hit you until the funeral? Yeah, I had to make this official.

This funeral isn't for the dead, but for those who are being left behind. This funeral is for everybody and everything that tried to bring me down in 2017. This funeral is for YOU & ME! I'm the only person to blame when it comes to my failures, self-doubt, and fears etc. I'm the only person to blame for not being where I want to be in life. I'm the only person to blame for all my mistakes. You're the only person to blame for taking him back over and over again when you know he ain't ish. You're the only person to blame for keeping her as a friend when you know she's in competition with you. You're the only person to blame for living check to check. You're the only person to blame for being in that situation you don't want to be in. IT'S YOU! You have control over your life! Prayer is 100% more powerful when you're actually putting the work in. 🗣 Praying for your goals while being lazy is called begging. Are you praying or begging? *preacher run* 🏃🏽‍♀️S/O to John Gray.

Now god, I know I said 2015, 2016, and 2017 was my year, but I wasn't ready then, still ain't fully ready now, but it's about taking the next step to acknowledge that I need to get closer to you FIRST and progress from there. I pray many blessings, clarity, energy, sour patch kids, positivity, financial stability, edges, faith, popping dms, and growth over your life. 2018 be good to me. Please ❤️

Suck my nuts 2017 🤗 -Key


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