Happy Blogiversary
One year ago I hit PUBLISH, ran to my room, threw the cover over my head, and started being the dramatic chick that I am. I kept thinking, Omg, Omg, Omg, people are going to laugh at me or ignore me. Ugh, this is stupid, you’re not ready, give it a little more time.
It was only days before that I was sitting in my living room crying to my husband about my “mid life crisis”. I was enrolled to start yet another class confused on if I was going back to school for money & status or my true passion. After seeing my hubby start his own business, it put so much motivation and desire in my heart to believe in my dreams and not the American dream. That’s when the research began and this little blessing of mine came along. I’ve always wanted to have a platform where I can inspire others and speak my mind, but I was afraid to fail. I was afraid that if I didn’t get the support I wanted I would give up. And oh baby, I’m guilty of giving up this blog a few times! Welp, here I am, a year later, still trying to figure it all out.
I can be honest and say that I haven’t put 100% into my blog. One day I’m sure that this is my purpose and the next I’m like Ohhhh God, I got it, I should focus on inventing some new hot chips. 😩 I’ve spent several nights writing and thinking about blogs that I never posted. I’ve spent several hours taking pictures of myself only to go through them and hate them all. I’ve spent days/weeks doubting myself and researching other blogs to only feel like shit at the end. I’m learning, I’m growing, and I’m most definitely evolving into the blogger that I want to be.
Many told me I would have to wait up to 6 years to have a successful blog. Many companies have denied me from promoting ads and sponsorships due to my blog having “harsh language” and being “too urban”. Welp BITCHES, I am who I am, and I’m not changing! I’m so thankful for everyone who’ve subscribed and supported me this far. The crazy thing is, I don’t even know 94% of y’all. I be stalking y’all email address names 😂 we friends! Continue to pray for growth and consistency for TheKeyKetchup 🙌🏾 cuz lawd knows I’m all over. Keep rocking with me y’all! Today is very special because I have an excuse to eat ice cream cake. Diet starting on Monday 😔. Stay positive & Extra 😂 Okay bye ✌🏽