Leave it Behind

It’s so haaarrrdddddd to say goodbyyyeeeee! No seriously, I’m sad to leave behind my favorite picture spot in Dallas 😩 As we put our last things in storage, it was only right that we came back to take some flicks.

I remember riding pass this empty warehouse and thought this would be the perfect picture spot for me. Yes, an empty warehouse. For those that don’t know me personally, I happen to be very shy, especially when it comes to taking pictures in front of other people. I’ll avoid taking pictures in a crowded place or I’ll pose super awkwardly when someone is watching me. My hubby truly dislikes that I’m that way, but I’ve never been a girl who liked a lot of attention. It’s weird. It’s like I want to stand out fashionably, but I’m okay with not being the complete focus. Only awkward fashionable people will understand.

As I start my new journey tomorrow I’ve decided to leave my old “shy” self at this warehouse. I’m on a mission and I can’t continue to take fear along with me. I chose to take pictures at this warehouse not because I liked it, but because I was simply afraid of being myself in front of strangers. I’ve realized that I can’t continue to let fear conquer the greatness that is upon me. 

I’m excited that these pictures turned out so perfectly. I always let my hubby get dressed first so I can copy his style as much as possible. He thinks I’m very corny, and I am. We can only go up from here! 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind
2 Timothy 1:7
