Bench Jumps 10x4 (Jump on bench in squat position with both feet)

Bench Toe Touches-15x4 (Running in place, toes tapping the bench)

Tricep Dips- 15 x4 (slide your butt off the bench with legs extended in front of you, then do a pushup or a "backwards pushup")

High Knees-15x4- running in place with knees to chest or as high as you can get them


Plank Pushups-10 x4 (legs on bench, hands on ground)

Walking Side Squat -10 each leg x4 (Bend down in squat position and walk sideways, stay down low)

Jump Jump Squats- (Jump twice, then squat DEEP) 10 x4



4 sets 15 reps each

In and outs w/o weight (Kick your legs out and in)

flutter kicks- Lay on your back while moving your legs up and should really feel this in your core area

scissor kicks- lay on your back and criss cross your legs....should feel this in your core area

side to side planks- plank from side to side....


If your legs, and abs aren't burning....YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT! Luv Ya! Stay tuned for the next post. 

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